Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Does Trump Compare to Previous Presidents - Update 2

This is an update to my previous post of 11/22/2019.  I have now added an additional economic indicator of "Unemployment", understanding that lower numbers reflect a stronger economy.  With only his first two years of results (2017 and 2018), Trump has the highest REDUCTION rate of -11.4% and the next highest reduction rate is Obama at -9.6%.  (Statistically speaking, 2017 and 2018 are not different from the 8 years of Obama).

The addition of Unemployment has now created 12 categories of comparisons.  All previous conclusions in the 11/22/2019 post remain the same with this one exception:  Trump was worse than the Democratic Average on 11 of 12 categories and was worse than the Republican Average on 7 of 12 categories.