To begin my investigation, I collected, from SEC filings, Apple quarterly Revenue and Earnings figures back to March 1993. As you have probably gathered in my other posts or from reading the information at my website (, I am not a fan of using Indices of these quarterly figures relative to a previous period! Remember, a trend of one (recent quarter compared to one previous one) is not significant! However, to reinforce this idea, I will produce a few examples of this analysis technique and make a few comments on them. After these examples, I will return to the more meaningful analysis technique using the actual Revenue and Earnings data.
I have displayed these indices in a control chart, in order to gain some statistical reference! I will start with Revenue, and in particular, Index versus Previous Quarter.
The first thing to notice is that at first glance, this chart appears to be stable at an average index of 1.065. Compounded quarterly, this is a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 26.6%. More importantly, the last two quarters ending Sept and Dec of 2012 are NOT uniquely different and, therefore, don't suggest any reason for a decrease in stock price.
There are some other things to take away from this chart. The Upper and Lower Control Limits (UCL, LCL) are 1.78 and 0.35. This means that any single quarter's index would need to be greater than 1.78 or less than 0.35 to be "out of the ordinary"! As I have said, most companies are spending precious time explaining indices of 1.05 or .96 when a single, unique explanation is fruitless since only the common causes are acting on the results. Whatever explanation is offered will now falsely become part of their institutional memory. However, there is a distinct change in the pattern of these indices beginning at the middle of the chart, which is actually, March 2004, so lets take a closer look at this change.
Below is the same Quarterly Revenue, but displayed as Index versus Year Ago (IYA).
It is more obvious that there is a change around 3/2004, but look how messy the individual indices are! And the OND quarter pattern change is not indicated. Also, the width of the UCL and LCL is quite large and the average 4 quarter index is 1.44 since 3/2004. But, the last 3 quarters are all closer to the LCL than to the average, which is a signal of a possible change. Could this explain the stock price drop?? I doubt that anyone on Wall Street is using control charts on indices!
Would Earnings as either Index Quarter Ago or Index Year Ago, show anything more??
In the IYA case, the rise in the average index again shows near 3/2004. But the most striking thing on this chart is the reduced variation in the earnings index after the accounting change of 3/2004.
In summary, the use of indices turned up only one sustainable change in performance since 1993, which was the accounting change in 2004. We also did NOT see any significant changes in 9/2012 which would explain the stock price drop. Sooooooo, we will move on to control charts using the actual quarterly results, starting again with Revenue.
Using the actual quarterly data for Revenue, you can find 4 timeframes of stable performance: first from 3/1993 to 12/1995 when the CAGR was 18.3%; then 1/1996 to 9/2004 when the Revenue dropped and CAGR was -0.6%; next from 12/2004 to 6/2010 when the Revenue rose and the CAGR was 33.3%; finally from 9/2010 to 12/2012 when Revenue jumped and the CAGR rose slightly to 35.5%. The increasing variation (width of the blue UCL and the yellow LCL) in 9/2004 and 12/2010 is consistent with increasing quarterly values.
In 1/1996, Windows 95 was introduced and most likely explains the drop in Revenue 1/1996! In the following years, Jobs became CEO, Mac OS 9 ships, G4 Cube introduced, Apple Stores Open, i-Pod ships, Mac OS X ships and i-Tunes starts late 2003. In 2004 we have the accounting change, 17" mac display and i-pod mini. So what was the 2004 pick, but my guess is accounting! Had the pattern of Revenue (high OND quarters), I might have said this breakthrough was i-Tunes. The i-phone launches in 2007, 3G in 2008, but it is the i-Pad and i-Phone 4 that both launch in 2010 which creates the jump in 9/2010 and maybe only the i-Pad.
However, trying to explain the stock price drop is more difficult! Wall Street does not analyze using these techniques so they were not aware of the rise in CAGR! The last two OND quarters were at or just above the UCL, but this should have been good news! You can see that the Spring and Summer quarters had lower revenue but not outside the LCL! It does appear that if you averaged all 4 quarters of 2012, you would get a number that falls right on the green trend line. I decided to check this by obtaining the annual revenue numbers since 1993 which gave me the following graph.
Since 12/2004, the annual Revenue has had stable, predictable CAGR of 41% with 2012 landing right on the trend line! So, it seems that Revenue should not have the caused of the stock to drop. Could it have been Earnings?? Below is a graph of actual quarterly data.
There are only two sustainable breakthroughs in Earnings when there were 3 in Revenue (4 stable timeframes), but remember that one of the Revenue breakthroughs was the Accounting change that applied only to Revenue. The Windows 95 intro in 1/96 did yeild a couple negative earnings quarters but not a shift in the Earnings. In 12/2000 there was large loss in Earnings after 3 years of positive growth. This lines up quite well with when Jobs became CEO. He likely took a big write down after which the Earnings CAGR took off at 57.9%. Then, simultaneous with Revenue, the Earnings jumped in 9/2010 but CAGR dropped to 40.1%. Even if Wall Street had been tracking Earnings growth with control charts, the stock price should have dropped before 2012 since the 4 quarters of 2011 would have been sufficient to get a signal of this change. But I'm sure they were not doing such an analysis! An argument could be made that the OND 2011 and OND 2012 for Earnings were approximately the same value, when Wall Street would have expected at least a 20% year on year increase. This was likely the stock downfall, but it is clear from the control chart that OND 2012 is just a random, non-significant result that fell between the control limits and should have been given no special consideration. Had the stock problem been due to the i-Phone 5 intro and the "Apple Maps" problem, this should have shown up in Revenue.
An important note about Apple Quarterly Earnings News Releases: In my 10/26/12 article referenced at the beginning of this post, I gave many examples of companies that spent significant time trying to explain every non-significant up or down in their results using Index Year Ago as the basis. However, Apple does NOT report this way. Every News Release follows the exact same format: the first paragraph reports actual results of this quarter and the same quarter year ago, but they do NOT use indices; the second paragraph gives sales figures but again avoids IYA; the third paragraph reports the dividends declared; the fourth and fifth paragraphs use the phrases "We are thrilled" and "We are excited" to describe the records they have set in Sales, Revenue and Earnings. But they never attempt to tie a particular product event directly to a change from the quarter year ago! Way to go Apple for not poisioning their institutional memory. Might this be a contributor to their success??